Telos Coaching

My Approach

I believe that we all have three primary facets to our being. Our body, mind, and spirit. One must tend to all three if one intends to live life fully. Like spokes on a wheel, if one is compromised, the other two shoulder the burden, and eventually the whole collapses. The key is to attend to all three spokes on a continuous basis in order to live life optimally.

There are primarily two types of clients.

Client A: Knows exactly what aspects and areas they want to work on

Client B: Knows they want to work on themselves but isn't sure where to start or what to focus on first

If you are Client A, then we can jump right in and start working on the areas you want to focus on. If you are Client B, then we can start off with an exercise called the Wheel of Life. This can help you take an audit of your life and its core pillars. By determining where you are currently in these areas, you can explore where you want to be in the future which can help you prioritize which pillar(s) to focus on first. Having said that, all clients at some point in their journey can benefit immensely by going through this exercise.

Ultimately, these are all guidelines and frameworks. The reality is that you are unique, no one who looks/thinks/feels/emotes like you has ever existed so we will work together to determine what works best for you and how I can be of value in aiding you in your journey.

Please note: if you are seeking guidance in areas that require working through topics such as Trauma, Abuse, PTSD, etc. I respectfully reserve the right to refer you to someone more suitable, such as a Psychotherapist/Psychologist. Your wellness is of paramount importance to me, if I feel ill-equipped to help you through certain areas, then I will make sure to guide you toward someone who can help you through those areas more appropriately.